Nuerth Wiki

The Tordresh ("Tall People") are commonly known as Trolls in Omlandish. They mainly live in remote wilderness areas, such as the Redstone Hills of North Omland. Some Trolls, however, live and work among the Hudresh, such as those living in Trolltown on the outskirts of Gyr.

Trolls are much taller than Hudresh; adults may reach nine to twelve feet tall. They live mainly in isolated family units, usually of one male, one female, and their offspring. Trolls commonly follow herds of elephants or other large animals. Trolls tend to be extremely suspicious of Hudresh and jealously protect their herds from Hudresh hunters.

Young male trolls often spend some years working for pay among the Hudresh, in order to earn money to buy enough land to marry and raise a family. Such young trolls may find employment working as toll collectors, or as soldiers in the elephant cavalry of Ishmodia, or working with elephants on logging operations and loading and unloading ships at ports such as Gyr.
